pISSN : 3058-6941 eISSN: 3058-695X
Open Access, Peer-reviewed
Junh-Sun Hong, Kyong-Ok Min
1(1).42.54 Epub 7th March, 1996
The first purposes of this paper was to give the way of the assessment and treatment. Actually, it is not easy to find out these things why child shows very complex movement patterns including the main problems and compensations, contractures and associated problems. On this point of view, main aspects of assessments are as followings. The general impression, abilities, disabilities, postural tone & patterns, contractures & deformities, associated problems. The second purpose was to present the point what the real normal movements which is the real goal of the treatment is. It purely mean what is a dissociated, independent, isolated, selective movements. If we, therapists, used to get ideas from milestone of normal development for making a goal of treatment of children with cerebral palsy without concerning the quality of movement patterns, we should be failed to treat child, so, we should know the very important point what sorts of basis and movements let the child do move such as head control, midline orientation, symmetry, activities, rotation, sitting, crawling, standing and walking. From these quality of movements, therapist should be wised to make child do good movements. Basis of development are the righting reactions and equilibrium reactions. In relation to maturation of the brain, these automatic reactions are doing the roles of basis on high qualified movements. Finally, through these development of automatic reactions, child could reach the walking. We could describe our character of movements of walking as dissociated, independent, isolated and selective movements. It includes midline, symmetry, extension, rotation, weight shift. But typical flexion or extension pattern of children with cerebral palsy can not reach those sorts of quality.