pISSN : 3058-6941 eISSN: 3058-695X
Open Access, Peer-reviewed
Jong-Ha Lee,Tae-Young Oh
https://dx.doi.org/10.17817/2020.10.15.111580 Epub 7th November, 2020
Purpose The purpose of this study was to compare the anticipatory and compensatory posture control patterns using between stroke patients and healthy adults by angular velocity, range of motion, response time according to the external perturbation. Methods Subjects The participants in this study were 16 healthy adults and 14 stroke patients. We measured the angular velocity, range of motion and response time of neck, lumbar, hip, knee and ankle according to the perturbation with and without visual cue were measured 3 times using by the 3D motion analysis (Oqus series 5, Qualisys Inc, Sweden) and the data were collected. We organized the data by angular velocity and range of motion for cervical, lumbar, hip, knee, ankle joint. The analysis was performed with independent t test to compare between stroke patients and healthy adults. Results Both of anticipatory and compensatory postural control for stroke patient, the angular velocity and the range of motion of the stroke patients were significantly the difference value compare to healthy adults in each joint(p<0.05). Conclusion Stroke patients had an influence on the angular velocity and the range of motion in anticipatory and compensatory postural control according to the perturbation. However, they were not affected the reaction time. In clinical implication, stroke patients might be need to train postural control in order to improve their movement by adjusting postural control with anticipatory and compensatory strategies.
Stroke Anticipatory control Compensatory control Perturbation Kinematics