
The Effects of Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation Training According to Auditory Perceptual Ability on Gait Variables in Patients with Stroke


Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate of rhythmic auditory stimulation feedback training according to auditory perceptual ability on gait variables in patients with stroke. Methods The subjects were 10 stroke patients with less than 2 seconds in TFM test and 10 stroke patients with more than 2 seconds in TFM test. A Zebris FDMT Treadmill system was used to measure the gait velocity, cadence, step length, stride length, and COP. For the intervention, 4 weeks of rhythmic auditory stimulation feedback training was performed, and variables related to gait and balance were measured. Results There was no significant difference in gait related variables between the experimental group and the control group (p>0.05), and a statistically significant difference was observed in center of pressure distance (p<.0.05). Conclusion Our findings indicate that stroke patients with good auditory perceptual ability have improved balance ability as a result of rhythmic auditory stimulation feedback training compared to stroke patients with poor auditory perceptual ability.


auditory perceptual ability balance gait ability stroke

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  • 한국연구재단
  • 국회도서관
  • KCI 문헌 유사도 검사 서비스