pISSN : 3058-6941 eISSN: 3058-695X
Open Access, Peer-reviewed
Hye-Rim Suh,Jeong-Hyeon Kang,Hwi-Young Cho
https://dx.doi.org/10.17817/2022.02.04.1111716 Epub 7th March, 2022
Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the intra and interrater reliability of static and dynamic postures in the transverse abdominal muscles (TrA) using manual testing and velcro strap of the transducer in Bmode ultrasonography (US). Methods Twentythree healthy participants were evaluated using two different measurement methods by two raters within one day and on three different days. They were implemented with abdominal drawingin maneuver (ADIM) with lying, ball sitting, and handonknee positions using manual testing or Velcro strap of the transducer. Results There were statistically significant differences in TrA between ADIM with lying and handonknee positions (p<0.05). Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) values of the transducer with Velcro strap for interrater and intrarater reliability were higher on ADIM with lying (0.94 and 0.96), ball sitting (0.87 and 0.88), and handonknee (0.86 and 0.91) positions compared to manual testing. Conclusion Our results suggest that handonknee exercise affects TrA contraction and has higher reliability using the transducer with a velcro strap.
Ultrasonography Abdominal Muscles Reproducibility of Results