
Effects of Pilates and Plyometric Training on Cardiopulmonary Function andLower Extremity Muscle Strength for Male Smoking College Students in Their 20s


Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Pilates and Plyometric training on lower extremity muscle activity and cardiorespiratory function in male students who smoke. Methods The subjects were male smokers in their twenties (n=9). The subjects were assigned 5 to the Pilates group and 4 to the Plyometric training group, Interventions were performed twice a week for 4 weeks. Results As a result, there was statistically significant difference only in minute ventilation (VE) in the case of the pilates group in the comparison between before and after the intervention of cardiopulmonary function. There was also no statistically significant difference between the two groups. There was no statistically significant difference by the two groups in the results of the prearbitration and postarbitration Lower extremity muscle strength changes, and there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion Pilates in cardiopulmonary function and Plyometric training in lower extremity muscle are effective arbitration among male smoking college students in their 20s. If the research is carried out to supplement the limitations, cardiopulmonary function and lower extremity muscle will increase.


smoker Pilates plyometrics lower extremity muscle strength cardiopulmonary funtion

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  • 한국연구재단
  • 국회도서관
  • KCI 문헌 유사도 검사 서비스